EmbedPress Pro Unlimited Sites – Lifetime – (Plugins & Original License)


All-In-One WordPress Embedding Solution To Fuel up Gutenberg Blocks and Elementor & Improve Storytelling.

Unlimited Site Plan: We will provide the license key. WP Admin access is not required.

Why Does Your Website Need EmbedPress Pro Unlimited Sites?

Using this powerful WordPress embed plugin, get stunning benefits for your brands
EmbedPress Pro Unlimited Sites

Customize YouTube Embeds With Advanced Features

Display your YouTube embeds just the way you want in your website with EmbedPress
EmbedPress Pro Unlimited Sites

Enhance Embedded Content With Exclusive Features

Take your creativity to the next level using amazing features from EmbedPress

EmbedPress Pro Unlimited Sites – Lifetime – (Plugins & Original License)

Embed Popular Sources To Create Dynamic Content

Share all the interesting stuff on your website from any popular platform

  • Embed Vimeo Videos

    Add Vimeo videos to your website by simply using the URL of the content. Also, use custom logos & brandings on the video embed with ease

  • Embed Spotify Audios

    Share music directly on your website by Embedding Spotify audio URL with EmbedPress. You can do it without getting any copyright claims

  • Embed Live Streams

    Embed live streams from Twitch. Facebook, YouTube, and other popular platforms within a single click to get more views and engagements

  • Embed SoundCloud Tracks

    Attach soothing music with EmbedPress without getting any copyright claims from the owner. Also, increase the site engagement at ease

EmbedPress Pro Official website: embedpress.com

EmbedPress Pro Official price:

EmbedPress Pro Unlimited Sites


Installation: To get everything installed and set up we will need admin access to your site for one time only (you can change your password and then change it back again after I have finished setting everything up for you).

Delivery: Everything will be installed within 24 hours of you making payment.

Refund Policy: Strictly NO refunds will be available once I have installed the plugins on your server unless you can show that I have not provided you with a genuine purchased license(s).

Please ask questions or contact us if you have any questions.

Complete list of other WP Theme and Plugins


1 Site – Lifetime, Unlimited – Lifetime


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